US HOODIA gordonii


What is Hoodia?

How Hoodia Works?

Hoodia in the news

Hoodia Gordonii Powder

Hoodia Gordonii Extract

100% natural 100% pure originated from south africa
What is Hoodia Gordonii?

Hoodia Gordonii Cactus Plant Information

What is Hoodia Gordonii? Hoodia is a genus in the Asclepiadaceae family. There are approximately 20 species in the genus. The unusual flowers are flat and saucer-like in shape and red, purple to brown or mottled dark yellow in color. Flowers form prolifically near the stem tips in summer. The short stems are many angled with white spikes appearing at short intervals on each angle. Stems are single or branch forming, they occur in variable shades of green. Plants are found in a large part of Southern Africa.

The Hoodia Cactus extract has been used by the indigenous bush people of South Africa for generations as a natural appetite suppresant and thirst quencher during long hunting trips. The powerful extract from this african cactus have been tested and shown in clinical trials on obese subjects to reduce caloric intake by up to 1000 calories per day.

Hoodia Cactus extract contains a molecule that is estimated to be up to 10,000 times as potent as glucose in sending a signal to the brain that the body is in a state of satiety, or in common terms not hungry. In humans, two groups were given equal diets and placed in a setting where there was nothing to do but sit, eat, read or watch the TV. One group was given hoodia and the other a placebo. The hoodia group consumed on average 1000 calories a day less than the placebo group. You can now get these exciting nutritional supplement products containing pure hoodia gordonii. US HOODIA offers products like hoodia extract, diet pills, weight loss pills, pure hoodia powder, mist,tablets etc.

We guarantee US HOODIA products contain 100% pure certified Hoodia Gordonii extract.

US HOODIA 1000mg diet pills, weight loss pills and other products are 100% pure and easy to digest to reduce appetite or caloric intake with no side effects.

Try our natural & stimulant free Hoodia diet pills and other Hoodia Gordonii products!

Hoodia in the news
The Power of the Hooodia Cactus...
>>Lose Weight Naturally

>>Suppress Your Appetite
>>No Side Effects Whatsoever

>>Control Caloric Intake
>>Easy to Digest Pills

>>100% Safe Product

Thanks for visiting us! US HOODIA is the latest and the most exciting Hoodia product on the market for
weight loss.We provide 100% pure and safe products to suppress your appetite naturally.

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